idle hands &

the devil’s work

Cat Boyd is a Glasgow-based writer, filmmaker and poet. Working in the trade union movement, her creative output explores the intersections of class, agency and history with the non-Political: love, grief, memory and domestic life.

She is assistant editor at Conter, an online magazine covering Scottish politics and culture. She has written extensively on socialism, culture and Scottish independence for academic publications and various newspapers from 2013-2023

Cat has produced short poetry films inspired by Scotland’s industrial past. She makes soundscapes and single-line poetry collages under the name batcaves.

Currently a student on the University of Glasgow MLitt Creative Writing Programme, her short story Beither, a tribute to Edwin Morgan’s Subway Piranhas, was published in issue #50 of the university journal “From Glasgow to Saturn.”

Reader’s Review [edited for brevity]

“Cat Boyd is bitter, hate filled, divisive and a terrorist sympathiser. Her writing and work is full of so many lies I don't know where to start. Far left propaganda.

Sort of rubbish you would get in Pravda. She is an extremist and a loony tune.

By the way. Cat Boyd doesn't shave her armpits. Want to know why? It's a non-issue in itself but in her case it's to protest against the patriarchal society.

As I said. Bonkers.”



poetry etc


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